This is my favorite city so far. It is a beautiful port city built on the very tip of Southern Japan. It has an excellent coastline, an enormous park with views overlooking the whole city, and of course, Sakurajima, which is and extremely active volcanoe, just of the coast. When I got to Kagoshima, it was supposed to rain for two days, vanquishing my hopes of seeing the volcanoe. It was Saturday night so I decided to go out. I ended up at the Speakeasy. A small bar filled with old Vinyl records, this place was cranking Led Zeppelin hits when I walked in. The bar patrons spoke decent English and the served Guiness. Could it get any better? Yeah. They turned off Led Zeppelin and replaced it with old videos of Creedence Clearwater Revival. I was in Heaven. Within 20 minutes I was belting out the lyrics to `I heard it through the Grapevine`. This city had me hooked.