I woke up early and caught a great sunrise in Mae Salong. Allan and I drank some tea that was quite poor. We then decided it was time to head out. We didn't accomplish too much. We dropped the truck off in Chiang Rae, which was a sad moment, and then continued via bus to the Laos border.

We woke up the next day and had the adventure of crossing the border over the Mekong River. From here, most people decide to take the Slow Boat, a two day cramped ride, down to Luang Prabang. We decided to do the Gibbon experience instead. Then we found out there was a two week wait period to get in. We stayed one night, with the intention of going North the next day. As luck would have it, there was a cancellation, and the next day we were off to see the Gibbons, a type of monkey in the Bokeo Nature Preserve.