YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!!! As I look over the edge, 440 feet down, I am ready to pee myself. This is Nevis, the second highest bungee jump in the world. Of course, there are some smaller ones in Queenstown that I could have started with, but why waste time. I am the first to go, and I was freaking out. AS I jumped, all I could think was, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH,OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH SSSSSHHHHHIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!! Then, 2 hours later(actually about 8.5 seconds) I started to feel the rope tug me back up. I have never been that scared in my life. The adrenaline rush lasted about 5 hours and even now, just thinking about the jump I get nervous. Is is something I will remeber for the rest of my life.
Video 1You'll have to wait until I get homw to see video 2